
Machine Guns Vegas: Femme Fatale (Indoor Shooting)

Original price was: $110.00.Current price is: $101.75.


Women will have a chance to assert their power by having a Machine Guns Vegas Femme Fatale experience. Any woman aged 18 above can have a chance to shoot PINK Glock 17, M4, and MP5 designed for about one hour with an instructor. The package also includes transportation to and from a hotel near the Strip.

Many women want to assert their power through various means like engaging in work and activities that were once exclusive to men. There are now many women employed as engineers, technicians, builders and other jobs that require strength and logical thinking to prove to men that they are as qualified and competitive, some of whom even made a mark in the fields that they embarked in.

One of the activities that once prohibited females is military. Defending one’s country was then exclusive to males. But with the determination and conviction of some brave women, there are now female soldiers who point and shoot guns at their enemies. Even though you don’t have time to enlist in the military, you can still experience a slice of military life for nearly an hour by booking a Machine Guns Vegas Femme Fatale experience, which women to shoot guns with dedicated shooting instructors.

But of the many things you can experience and indulge in Las Vegas, why fire guns? Here are some reasons why shooting for women is a good activity to engage in.

• Enjoy Sense of Empowerment – Even in the age of feminism and girl power, many women are victims of discrimination. In fact, most of them lament that they receive fewer pay and perks than their male counterparts. By holding and using a firearm even for a brief moment can give you a sense of empowerment after getting treated unfairly by your colleagues, co-students, and friends.

• Encourage Women to Learn Self-Defense – Shooting firearms for the first time, opens your eyes to the power you have in defending yourself. Females are more prone to acts of violence and heinous crimes like rape, sexual harassment, and other sex-related offenses. An hour of actual shooting can improve your confidence and embolden you to start learning shooting and other martial arts for self-defense.

• A Great Way to Start a Sport – Many women are still figuring out what sport to engage in. If you’re one of them, shooting sport for women could be the one for you. This activity is best for beginners since it requires only a bit of muscle power. Of course, you still need to pump iron to build your muscles if you want to get serious in this sport. But as a pastime and for leisure, a brief warm-up is enough.

• A Safe Way to Release Anger and Stress – Having pent-up anger and stress is unhealthy. You should release them in healthy and safe ways to avoid hurting others or yourself. One way to do that is by engaging in physical activities that will act as an outlet for your anger and tension. Shooting sport is one such pursuit. There is a feeling of release and satisfaction as you shoot your target much like you hit your enemy in his face.

With a Machine Guns Vegas Femme Fatale experience, you can enjoy the many benefits you can get from shooting for women. This package lets you shoot PINK Glock 17, M4, and MP5 with precision, thanks to the assistance of the company’s highly qualified instructors. For about an hour, you can fire these firearms without hesitation and experience what being a Femme Fatale really means even for a few minutes.

Machine Guns Vegas: Femme Fatale (Indoor Shooting) was last modified: May 30th, 2019 by wsadmin